The 3Rs Challenge
The 3Rs Challenge is designed to be a fun and interactive way of promoting the “reduce, reuse and recycle” message to children outside of school. The challenge should take three to four sessions or meetings and each participant will receive a pat on the back on completion. The 3Rs Challenge includes different tasks for each of the three Rs. You could make this into a lesson plan or hand out badges if you wanted to. We don’t supply any packs or badges mind you.
These are:
REDUCE: Young people will look at the waste produced through packed lunches and packaging and consider ways to cut this down.
REUSE: Participants will be tasked with holding a swap shop to trade unwanted toys and games.
RECYCLE: Youngsters will find out what materials can be recycled in their local area and consider how to promote this to others, or they can design a waste plan for a fictional town. Alternatively, they can make a wormery to discover how good worms are at recycling organic waste.